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The HoboHookah.

06 February 2008

The essential every-day, user-friendly, portable hookah! Promising to turn almost any bottle into an instant hookah. The kit comes with a stainless steel pipe promising to fit on almost any bottle or vase, a six-foot hose, clay bowl, tongs and carrying bag with room to include a one litter bottle.

Climb a mountain and use your now empty water bottle. Hard night of drinking? Use that empty Absolut bottle. Hell, you can even use produce for your base. A pumpkin probably works much better than a potato.

Let me sum this up with: I want. Available for purchase through Amazon.com.

Read more product info and testimonials at HoboHookah.com.

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posted by .Tif
7:54 PM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout! Let's get a Hobo into those hands.

9:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woa that link on my name above is pretty crazy.

9:57 PM  

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