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19 February 2007

Sure Helvetica is a great default font but sometimes you're just tired of seeing the word "Helvetica" every time you open Illustrator. Thankfully my favorite professor in school left a huge impact on me, "Never use Helvetica unless you really mean it. Helvetica is for the everyday." Someone has made a documentary that will hopefully be shown to all students and hopefully make them realize why there is life beyond Helvetica. Because really... it is freaking everywhere. It's premiering at SXSW this year. I sooooo want to see it because not only is it about a font that I love and loathe, it will also expose and explore design, advertising, communication, psychology, etc. All things I love and loathe equally.


posted by .Tif
9:38 PM


Blogger mandy said...

road trip anyone? lauren and i will be in town.

4:43 PM  
Blogger lauren said...

i'm down for it.

9:47 PM  

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